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How the Biorepository works

How the Biorepository works

Donating samples of human tissue supports vital research into the causes of diseases and the development of effective new treatments. Your samples let researchers understand exactly what’s happening in various healthy cells or tissues. To do this we need people like you to donate tissue.



What is a Biorepository?

Louise Jones / 03:58

The Norwich Research Park Biorepository supports vital clinical research thanks to the donation of samples


How your data helps researchers

Jo Brooks / 01:44

Clinical research enables researchers to develop new medications and to determine how patients are going to respond to disease.


How your samples help clinical research

Tanja Suligoj / 02:56

Research relies on the Norwich Research Park Biorepository and on the donation of tissue for research purposes.


How we ensure your samples are used ethically

Dheemanth Vangimalla / 02:44

An ethics committee ensures that proposal for research involving human participants meet the highest ethical standards


How do we obtain samples?

Garry John / 02:19

With your consent, your blood can be stored securely in the Biorepository, anonymised, and used for vital research purposes.


How your samples are stored safely and securely

Rachael Stanley / 02:30

Your samples are extremely important to us and future research, so we make sure that they are well looked after.


How we look after your data

Anthony Lundrigan / 02:04

To help ensure that we maintain the highest principles a Caldicott Guardian oversees how we handle your data and samples.


How we look after your samples

Rachael Stanley / 02:56

The majority of samples are kept in freezers. These are monitored 24 hours a day and any temperature fluctuations trigger an...


How to give your consent

Roxy Brunton-Sim / 02:28

Informed ethical consent is fundamental for any study using human tissue to help improve and develop patient care


Why your consent is important

Roy Collins / 01:26

Consenting to have your tissue used for research enables researchers to find causes and cures for breast cancer & other diseases


Why donate to a biorepository?

Adrienne Morgan / 02:15

For Adrienne, being able to donate tissue as part of her treatment was a positive to come from an awful situation

The Norwich Research Park Biorepository supports vital clinical research thanks to the donation of samples

Louise Jones | Professor of Breast Pathology