
How your data helps researchers
Jo Brooks / 01:44
Clinical research enables researchers to develop new medications and to determine how patients are going to respond to disease.

How your samples help clinical research
Tanja Suligoj / 02:56
Research relies on the Norwich Research Park Biorepository and on the donation of tissue for research purposes.

How we ensure your samples are used ethically
Dheemanth Vangimalla / 02:44
An ethics committee ensures that proposal for research involving human participants meet the highest ethical standards

How your samples are stored safely and securely
Rachael Stanley / 02:30
Your samples are extremely important to us and future research, so we make sure that they are well looked after.

How we look after your samples
Rachael Stanley / 02:56
The majority of samples are kept in freezers. These are monitored 24 hours a day and any temperature fluctuations trigger an...

Why donate to a biorepository?
Adrienne Morgan / 02:15
For Adrienne, being able to donate tissue as part of her treatment was a positive to come from an awful situation
The Norwich Research Park Biorepository supports vital clinical research thanks to the donation of samples
Louise Jones | Professor of Breast Pathology